Sunday, October 23, 2011

Walking Stick

There is a hill behind my parent's cabin at Lawco Lake.  This hill, the lake, and the cabin has a long history of "coming of age" stories in the Haney family.  One of those stories for my kids is when they get their very own walking stick.  My Dad's dad, my Grampa (Clark) Haney made mine when I was a little girl.  On this day, Kai decided he was ready for his own walking stick, so he and my Dad, his Grampa (Mike) Haney went up the hill to search for the perfect stick.


Cutting it down to the perfect size..

I got distracted by Mom's hydrangea while I was waiting for Grampa to finish the walking stick.  
They're my favorite, aren't they pretty?  This one was a Mother's Day gift from my sister.

And the now the former baby boy can show off his new walking stick, which gains him access to the world of the big boys I'm sure.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Indian Summer

We had beautiful weather this weekend.  Sunshiny, warm, breezy, and crisp. 

The kind of weather that begs for boys and girl to come outside.

The perfect day for some plein air painting.

A little windy, but no Mom freak outs when it gets messy. 

Who can resist the possibilities of these colors?

And some new puppy time with the big guy. 

Yes, we got a new puppy THE DAY AFTER I said I would never have two dogs again. 

Famous last words. 

She likes to sit on his shoulder.  She may think she's a parrot.

 Blanket + Cute Boy + Shady Tree =


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's in the can.

Lately I've been decorating these shiny upcycled veggie cans for every occasion. The possibilities for what these things can hold are endless. I love to use them as birthday gifts to hold candy and money. It's more interesting than a store bought card and I always have spare paper and ribbon lying around to fix them up with.  Just make sure you hammer down any sharp edges inside the opening of the can.

With Halloween coming up I was inspired to make these little cuties as treat holders.


 I may use them to display some root beers and orange bottles too.  With my computer I printed off a large black bat on cardstock over which I stamped the words "Boo Bar".

My favorite thing are the black glitter bats.  Wonder what else I can use black glitter on?